Page 1 - Un Cafecito
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High quality coffee                                        

We are a passionate family of coffee producers from        Each of the plants
Guatemala, dedicated to the production of special              grows under the
coffees of very high quality. When we talk about                 careful eye of
special coffees, we mean that each step of the
process is handled with the best care and knowledge        producers who will
possible.                                                     ensure that they
                                                              provide the best
After years of experimentation with conventional
processing methods, we have found innovative               conditions for their
processing methods, sustainably viable for the       development since they
environment.                                         will then give us unique
                                                     fruits - with special and

                                                                 very particular
                                                        characteristics - that
                                                        will give each cup of

                                                          coffee body, aroma
                                                                   and flavor .
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